STANDARD A: The Recruitment Stage
This Job Alike is an opportunity for education professionals with similar job responsibilities to share challenges and identify opportunities to improve HR management practices related to the following Search Associate Recruitment Standards:
Posting job announcements
Preparing job offers and contracts
Ensuring consistent and effective communications for all pre-arrival activities
Child Safeguarding
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
English & Chinese Concurrent Session
What is a job-alike?
It is an opportunity to promote collaboration among education professionals with similar job responsibilities to enhance their craft, share knowledge, and network regionally. These highly intensive learning sessions provide an opportunity to share resources, information and engage in discussions and planning that will immediately benefit their schools.
Steve Barkley
Gez Hayden
For the past 40 years, Steve has served as an educational consultant to school districts, teacher organizations, state departments of education, and colleges and universities nationally and internationally, facilitating the changes necessary for them to reach students and successfully prepare them for the 21st century. A prolific published author, his weekly blog, Steve Barkley Ponders Out Loud, has evolved into a go-to resource for teachers and administrators all over the world.
Steve Barkley is proud to be affiliated with the following educational organizations:
Association for the Advancement of International Education
Association of Teacher Educators
Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development
European Council of International Schools
Kappa Delta Pi
Learning Forward (formerly National Staff Development Council)
National Middle School Association
Near East South Asia Council Of Oversea Schools
Phi Delta Kappa
Gez Hayden organises East Asia (Singapore) and London-January Search Associates Job Fair, and conducts international school leadership searches.
Gez's office registers new candidates with International Baccalaureate (IB) experience and who currently work in IB schools or want to do so — except for candidates currently living in the USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand. Also, new candidates currently living outside the above countries, planning to attend the East Asia (Singapore) and London-January job fairs, are advised to choose Gez Hayden as their Associate. Gez's candidates include classroom and subject teachers with or without a responsibility post, experienced with the age 3-18 PYP/MYP/Diploma range, IB workshop leaders, Trainer-Trainers, Heads, Deputies, or Principals.
Joining the Search team in 2009, Gez Hayden was born and brought up in the United Kingdom, graduating from the University of Birmingham with a B.A. in modern languages. Before training to teach in the UK, he worked in France and Switzerland, later serving in government schools in the UK as a Department Head.
Gez began his international career in the International School of South Africa in 1990. After gaining his M.Ed. at the University of Bath, UK, in 1995, he moved on to international schools in Thailand and most recently China, where he was involved in implementing the IB Primary Years, Middle Years and Diploma programmes.
As Director of Nanjing International School, China, Gez was successful in leading NIS to become China's first international school authorised to offer all three IB programmes: PYP, MYP and Diploma.
An active member of the international school community, Gez has participated in authorisation and accreditation visits to schools in China, Japan and Australia, representing the International Baccalaureate Organisation, the Council of International Schools and the New England Association of Schools and Colleges.
For several years, Gez was a member of the Board of the Association of China ad Mongolia International Schools (ACAMIS), where he promoted development of the ACAMIS programme of professional development for teachers in the China international school network.
Gez is married to Amelia Ren-Hayden, a lawyer and Human Resources Professional, who assists with the work of the Gez Hayden Branch of Search Associates. Gez's three children – all boys - are former IB students, of whom two are IBDP graduates, and all three have experienced PYP, MYP and AP between them.
Gez has broad and varied experience of IB and other international schools, having visited many in the course of his career. He is able to bring the benefit of his understanding of these schools and their programmes to helping candidates and schools he serves.