Search Associates
Benchmark Your School's Induction Practices against Search Associates Standards
Case Study
The Tales of Two New Teachers
Read the other case studies:
You got married in the summer, and both of you will be teaching in Shanghai this fall. Husband visited Shanghai more than ten years ago, and he loved his experience there. He is excited about working and living in this cosmopolitan city. The wife comes from a small town in Ohio and has never been overseas.
Use the following questions as a guide for your discussions. Feel free to re-phrase the questions or expand on them.
You are the wife. What are your questions and/or concerns about moving to Shanghai?
You are the husband. Do you have any questions and/or concerns about moving to Shanghai?
How can both of you be more prepared for the transition? Be specific.
What are your expectations of the school leaders, peers, and HR from the hosting school? Are your expectations realistic? Why or why not?