November 24, 2021 | 4:00 -6:00 PM (HKT)
PD Coordinators Job-Alike
This is a FREE event and is limited to 40 people.
Attendance from schools is limited to 3 people.
Schools that participated in our previous job-alikes:
This job-alike is for all leaders across a school, Early Years, Primary and Secondary, that coordinate and lead professional learning. This includes, but is not limited to: Principals, Deputies, Heads of Faculty, Coordinators and Instructional Coaches.
As professional development practitioners, we are constantly striving to ensure we meet the needs of all our learners.
This job-alike will focus on how we evaluate if those needs are being met by allowing participants to explore with peers different areas of evaluation. Discussion topics will be influenced by research on how to effectively provision and evaluate professional development. Links to recent research published by the Education Endowment Foundation and Thomas R. Guskey are included below:
This Job-Alike will be coordinated in the following manner:
One week before the meeting a survey will be sent asking you to identify the topics you are most interested in and to identify questions you want to be answered in relation to that topic;
Participants will be able to self select the breakout room they wish to participate in, which will be identified by the topic, and given the questions raised related to that topic;
There will be two breakout sessions:
The first breakout session will be for 20-minutes where participants will get quickly acquainted, review and prioritize the questions identified in the survey, build consensus on the most pertinent question(s) and begin sharing relevant experience;
In between breakout sessions, each group will share what question(s) they have begun exploring and set an expectation for how they would like to use their time in the second breakout session;
All participants will be given an opportunity to re-select their breakout room. This not only gives everyone a chance to network with different peers but also explore different topics;
The second breakout session will be for 60 minutes, allowing for peers more time to share personal experience related to that topic;
We will try to limit the size of each group to 6 people, which may mean multiple groups exploring the same topic; and
In the end, each breakout room will share key learnings.
As a job-alike, participants are both teachers and learners. As such, group discussions in break-out rooms are self-directed, not being specifically moderated or directed by the event hosts. There are 4-hosts for this job-alike, whose responsibility was to coordinate the meeting and identify relevant reference materials to provoke discussion and sharing of experience..
What is a Job-Alike
It is an opportunity to promote collaboration among education professionals with similar job responsibilities to enhance their craft, share knowledge, and network regionally.
These highly intensive learning sessions provide an opportunity to share resources, information, and engage in discussions and planning that will immediately benefit their schools.
Why Should I Join?
Acquire new resources
Exchange ideas, training resources and materials with peers.
Assess your practice
Benchmark your school’s practices and resources by learning from your peers.
Broaden Perspective
Understand the successes and challenges experienced by other PD Coordinators.
Grow your network
Broaden your educational leader professional learning network.
November 24, 2021
Certificate Course
2 hours of professional learning
Meeting Time
4:00 - 6:00 PM (HKT)
Meeting Software
ZOOM for Audio/Videos
This is a FREE event and is limited to 40 people.
Attendance from schools is limited to 3 people.
Your Hosts
Michael Iannini
Affiliated Consultant
Council of International Schools
Michael’s main focus is helping schools help master the arts of collaboration, consensus building, and successful organizational management. His diverse work experience has given him the ability to successfully engage with improve school capacity to realize the full potential of their greatest asset, their staff.
Renee Rehfeldt
Curriculum Coordinator and IB Educator
HD Beijing
Renee is an international educator and school leader in the Asia Pacific region. Trained as a classroom teacher, she specializes in curriculum development, inclusive practices in teaching and learning, and professional development and evaluation. She also works with the IB community, leading workshops and supporting the school authorization process.
Ewen Bailey
Curriculum Manager
Oak National Academy
Ewen is an educator with more than a decade of experience teaching, leading, and learning in a diverse range of schools. He is particularly passionate about professional and organisational development - Nothing brings me more joy than enabling others to thrive.
Claire Peet
Academic Professional Development and Quality Assurance Manager
Yew Chung Education Foundation
Claire Peet taught in the UK for 10 years before moving to Hong Kong to teach at an international school. Over the past two years she has transitioned into an organisation wide role; reflective of a growing need to enhance professional learning strategies, to retain talent and to build structures that support teacher appraisal and progression planning.